Friday, May 9, 2008

Unleash the RINO’s - The Enemy Within the GOP

From Liberally Conservative:

“Pat Toomey, President of ‘The Club for Growth‘ and former Republican congressman from Pennsylvania, has recently laid out the truth about ‘Liberal Republicans’ and some so-called ‘Conservative’ names are glaring.

“I am a member of ‘The Club for Growth’ and I’m sick and tired of the pundits claiming to be Conservative and the term ‘Neo-Conservative’ when most of these people are Liberals who have demonstrated their hypocrisy on a national level.

“These people in the media and government claim to be ‘Reagan Republicans’ and troopers against the war on Liberalism or as I call it, Socialism. The Club for Growth is based on real Conservative principles and its goals are simple.

“The GOP has lost seats from corruption but more importantly from acting like Liberals, and spending worse than the Democrats. Until they learn the lessons of being a minority party maybe the GOP will return to true Conservative principles and realize what President Reagan already knew.

“Getting rid of RINO’s would certainly be winning one for the Gipper and real Conservatives. Indeed!”

Read the whole article here:

Bold and italic fonts were used by this blogger.

Comment: For over fifteen years the Ohio Republican political template has been to appease voters no matter the expense nor ideology. Principally this has been through the expansion of government, wasteful spending, and entitlement programs. But now the rent is due and the Ohio Republican Party (ORP) has bankrupted Ohio. It has bankrupted the taxpayer, driven away businesses and our best workers to other states, expanded the size of our state government, caused Ohio to have one of the worst business climates in the US, raised taxes above most states in the country, and increased social entitlements to exponential proportions. Yet they want us to go along with this situation as if nothing has happened and everything is hunky dory.

Like our fellow conservative republican Liberally Conservative's advice, getting rid of the RINOs is the first step we need to take in Ohio to help the party, and first and foremost is getting rid of Bob Bennett. This man has single handedly killed the state party and cultivated the sorriest lot of politicians since the late 1960s and early 70s. If there is going to be any positive action to revitalize the ORP then it must begin with the removal of Bob Bennett, or else we are doomed to fail.

Ohio Republicans must understand one thing, we aren’t going to win many elections for the short term. For the last 10 years Ohio has moved decidedly to the left and turning that boat around is going to take longer than one decade. But what we can do now is to fight for free markets, limited government, and better leadership. We have to accentuate the republican norms and ideals espoused by Reagan, Kirk, and late great Senator Taft. But this is going to take metal and leadership, something Bob Bennett hasn't shown lately.

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