Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Daily Bellwether: Ohio School Supt. Susan Tave Zelman: Schools 'Rudderless' In Voinovich Years

The Daily Bellwether: Ohio School Supt. Susan Tave Zelman: Schools 'Rudderless' In Voinovich Years

The Daily Bellwether:

CINCINNATI (TDB) -- Ohio's superintendent of public instruction, Susan Tave Zelman, appears to place zero credibility in Republican U.S. Sen. George Voinovich's oft-repeated claim he was the "education governor." Voinovich served two terms as the state's chief executive before winning the Senate seat in 1998. Zelman took over as the state's top education official not long after Voinovich left Columbus for Washington, and said she found a school program that was adrift, or not following any clear course. Zelman's seems to be grading the Voinovich years with an an "F" -- for failure.

Read the post here.

Comment: If one politician strikes a greater sense of angst in grassroots republicans, it is Senator George Voinovich. No sitting republican politician has done more to harm Ohio, and now he spreads his foolishness throughout the United States and the world.

Ohio republicans want a change. We want politicians that are centered on limited government and free markets. But too many of our republicans politicians, such Sen. Voinovich, care nothing of these norms. The time has come to affect change in the ORP. We are asking you write your county Republican Party and let them know you will not give one red cent until republican ideals return to Ohio. Let them know you would like them to notify State Party Chairman Bob Bennett the same. Let him know that that the people casting the votes will not support this train wreck.

You can sit back and hope they’ll change or you can get onboard with us and take a position of opposition. You can sit back and hope these people become something they are in fact not, or we can stop supporting them and start supporting those that represent our ideals and norms; republican norms. But this can only come about when real party leadership changes take place. There is no other way!

Send us an email and let us know that you support this cause.

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