Thursday, May 8, 2008

Today in the mail I got a letter from the Ohio Republican Party

Keeler Political Report: Monday, May 05, 2008

From the Keeler Political Report:

Today in the mail I got a letter from the Ohio Republican Party. It said on the outside it was 2008 GOP Convention related, so I opened it up, figuring it could be related to how I was going to be a Mitt Romney delegate if he was the nominee.

Well, it was convention related. I was offered the "exclusive" chance to be an Honorary Delegate in Minneapolis - for $1,500 (hotel not included). According to the flyer, for that money you get:
-Guaranteed reservation for one room at Ohio's official delegation hotels
-Credential for admittance to all Ohio Delegation Events for the week of the Convention (not sure what this actually is, but it is for sure not the actual convention)
-Bus transportation to said events
-Exclusive, priority consideration for official Convention Session passes
-Invitation for you and a guest to a luncheon exclusively for major donors and sponsors to the Ohio Republican Party
-Listing in the official '08 Commemorative Delegation Program
-Commemorative '08 Delegation Credential

Seems like a real good deal.

I wonder how exclusive this opportunity really it for everyone on their mailing list, some people on the mailing list....? I'd be willing to bet quite a few people were actually offered this opportunity.

No thanks Bob Bennett.


Large Bill said: Nope not all of us. I haven't given the Ohio Republican Party cash since they back liberal incumbents over conservatives in primaries.

Comment: It’s always the money with Bennett and crew…

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