Sunday, April 13, 2008

Husted Furthers Government Nuisance of Our Energy Sector

HT: DaytonOS

As Husted and Strickland go back and forth over the latest electricity proposal, one thing is clear, there is no such thing as a free market energy sector in Ohio.

Comment: Without one thought given to free markets, Republican Jon Husted (R-Kettering), along with Gov. Strickland (D) will decide how much profit our energy companies will make, and at the same time will dictate how they will produce energy in the future. How can anyone in Ohio rightly call this de-regulation or free market; it’s the same thing the Soviet Union did for years, and it is the same government non-solution killing Ohio.

Ohio Republicans must openly fight these socialist tendencies of Husted and the Republicans in the General Assembly. Likewise the Ohio Republican Party must stand for free markets and limited government. Ohio will only have low energy prices when our government officials get out of the energy sector's boardrooms and allow for greater competition.

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